New focus on content production and distribution at ISE 2023

Content production and distribution technologies have growing relevance for the professional AV market as end-users and vendors increasingly seek to create and disseminate high-quality video content for commercial and informational use.

To reflect this trend, ISE 2023 will feature a new Content Production and Distribution Zone in Hall 6. This will complement more than 70 exhibitors with offerings in this area located all around the show floor. Show Floor Tours around some of the leading brands in this area will also be on offer. As already announced, the ISE 2023 keynote speaker will be BK Johannessen, Epic Games Unreal Engine Business Director for Broadcast and Live Events. He will explore how the games industry is driving content creation in the systems integration ecosystem. Finally, the ISE 2023 conference programme will see the launch of the Content Production and Distribution Summit. Watch out for more details when the conference programme is announced on 16 November. consequatur assumenda perferendis dolore.

Explore our Technology Zones

Because of the huge scale of ISE, we make it easier to find the solutions you need by dividing the show floor into Technology Zones.

Grouping together exhibitors that serve similar solution areas makes the exhibition easier to navigate and to explore. For ISE 2023, the seven Technology Zones are: Audio (Hall 7) Content Creation and Content Production (Hall 6) Digital Signage & DooH (Hall 6) Lighting & Staging (Hall 7) Multi-Technology (Halls 3 & 5) Residential & Smart Building (Hall 2) Unified Communications & Education Technology (Hall 2) Learn more about the solutions on offer in each of the Technology Zones at ISE 2023.